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Workato. A single platform for integration and workplace automation across your organisation.

IconRelieve Your Integration & Automation Pains

Modern businesses are feeling the pain of struggling with the many apps, tools, systems and data silos their departments are using on a day-to-day basis.


Manual processes and inefficiencies are still the norm and overcoming these integration and automation problems simply feels way too hard.

There is a simple and fast way to relieve these pains. Introducing Workato, the leader in integration-led automation.


Find out how Workato’s platform, with virtually no coding required, can quickly and easily integrate your cloud apps, databases, systems and servers, and automate your workflows.

Download our infographic “Why it’s time to integrate, automate and orchestrate with Workato” now.

If we turned Workato’s automated processes off, it would take 57 people to manually do those tasks. It pays for itself while generating revenue— the ROI is just staggering.


Business Automation Analyst 

Transform Your Business with Intelligent Automation

Our latest eBook explores apps, tools and systems challenges department by department so you can discover how Workato solves the problems every modern company faces across:

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    Customer service connectivity

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    Simplyfiing marketing segmentation

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    Generating more efficiency and subsequently more sales

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    Streamlining BizOps

Discover our eBook: Transform your business with intelligent automation” now

With Workato, we spend more time thinking about solutions and less time building them.


Neeraj Malhotra,

IT Senior Manager, Broadcom

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Book Your Demo.
Try it Free.
Automate in Days.


Experience Workato first hand by booking a free Workato Demo & have your questions answered by our experts.

Join Integration and Automation experts from (Partner name) and Workato, as we show you the true power of orchestrating your apps, databases and systems with one, simple to use platform.

Workato is such an easy tool to deploy, and then modify and expand over time. You can start out with one kind of recipe and as other tools become relevant you can just modify the recipes to connect further upstream or downstream.


Julien Bassan,

Sr. Manager Business Development, Box

It’s time to Integrate & Automate with Workato

Ready to find out more?

Contact us for a quick chat about the value Workato can bring to your business.